Murphy Sports
Multi Sport Holiday Sports Club
@ Waverley College
April: 14 - 17 | 22 - 24 | 28 - 29
April: 14 – 17 | 22 – 24 | 28 – 29
These holidays Murphy Sports brings Mulit Sport and Hybrid Games to Waverley College – we will have an extra focus on mainstream team Sports
Activities from: Euro Handball, Kickball, Football, Benchball, Hockey, Volleyball, Fencing, Archery, Relay Races, Obstacle courses, Tug O War, Dodgeball, T-Ball, Basketball, Cricket, Tag Rugby, Tennis and so much more
We will also have Team Building Challenges, our very own Murphy Sports ‘Got Talent’ and some cool Prizes !!

The NSW Government is providing support for eligible families with school-aged children to participate in sport, recreational, creative or cultural activities. Murphy Sports is proud to be a an Active and Creative Kids provider and accepts these vouchers. Parents and carers can apply for two $50 vouchers each calendar year for each eligible child
Claim your vouchers by visiting – and then book into our School Holiday Sports Club
Check us out
We understand that you can’t take our word for it so please read what our parents and carers say about us
Waverley School Holiday Experience :
- Held on the beautiful grounds of Waverley College, we utilise the college's multi-purpose outdoor courts and indoor spaces;
- Professional and experienced staff;
- Our welcoming, friendly and caring staff are qualified teachers or experienced coaches or both;
- Low coach/child ratios (1:10 approximately) to create greater connection and care;
- Our Holiday Club is a great starting point for young children who have little experience in fun games, activities, dance & sports;
- Our Holiday Club is also ideal for sports lovers and those that want to get a taste of a wide variety of games, activities & sports. A fun and social way for children to stay active & creative over the holidays